Originally Posted By: Toast
Originally Posted By: Damocles_
For "Aliens". Even if they exist they cant reach us.
If they would have reached us (in modern times), they would have made a clear contact.
They would also send at a maximum an automated robot/sattelite, not the living alien itself (wich is selfmurder given the
time neeeded for spacetravel)
Everything else is childish "want to beleive" and coverup-theories.

Actually what makes you think they didn't "contact" us yet? Because television doesn't tell you? Well to give you a good start maybe watch the National Press Club Conferences FROM 2001 and FROM 2007 held by the disclosure project organization. You're welcome to prove those over 400 people wrong and get them punished for swearing an oath on something wrong. Their movement features a lot of upright people from like all military ranks up to generals, scientists or people working for several agencies. Listen to what they have to say and then rethink if your opinion might need a correction...

I can swear oaths and point at my degrees (and possibly in a while my PhD(s) ) too. It doesn't mean I'm somehow less vulnerable to the flaws of human psychology or the shared curiosity lots of people involved all have with the subject.

Basically an army officer can lie just like any other person can, it's human nature. At the same time, if people really believe they have seen something, it's no different. Those people will be hard to be convinced otherwise.

Oh, and don't get me started on the Heinrich von Däniken stuff, about how Gods might have been aliens visiting ancient cultures instead, it's an outdated and really not that plausible idea. In fact, it's really the mother of all assumptions when it comes to 'aliens'.

As e.g. the disclosure project proves there have been some highly-developed races making contact with the US-government

Your definition of proof is somewhat funny. They didn't proof anything, they only let people tell stories basically. Very interesting ones I might add, and I love listening to them, but it's far from actual proof.

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