Originally Posted By: Damocles_
For "Aliens". Even if they exist they cant reach us.
If they would have reached us (in modern times), they would have made a clear contact.
They would also send at a maximum an automated robot/sattelite, not the living alien itself (wich is selfmurder given the
time neeeded for spacetravel)
Everything else is childish "want to beleive" and coverup-theories.

Actually what makes you think they didn't "contact" us yet? Because television doesn't tell you? Well to give you a good start maybe watch the National Press Club Conferences FROM 2001 and FROM 2007 held by the disclosure project organization. You're welcome to prove those over 400 people wrong and get them punished for swearing an oath on something wrong. Their movement features a lot of upright people from like all military ranks up to generals, scientists or people working for several agencies. Listen to what they have to say and then rethink if your opinion might need a correction...

In contrast to what most people think "aliens" are nothing modern or even new at all. In fact most African tribes have aliens involved in their stories about the creation of the world and mankind. One tribe actually says their ancestors came from the stars. Another interesting thing is e.g. African tribes as well as certain tribes in America reporting of some kind of flying craft landing, releasing some water which then entered something you'd describe as incredible intelligent "talking dolphins" (I don't remember the name they gave them). Might sound like a fun bedstory but the fact that both tribes in Africa as well as those in America tell pretty much the very same story is quite something and you probably won't spend countless hours writing a child story onto your temple's walls...

Most people also seem to know next to nothing about the Sumerian culture which is on of the oldest high-culture (if not THE oldest yet confirmed). Their records also tell a story of people from another star coming to earth and actually creating mankind as it is today. Well not exactly - according to them at first mankind was created as a non-reproductive slave race to work for them which just later on was transformed to something pretty much being what we are now. You might want to look up some detailed summary of that story and some things really might knock your socks off...

Still you can ridicule all of this if you want. It changes nothing that this were the beliefs or simply records of very old cultures and you at the very least can see that the concept of "aliens" isn't new at all...

Enjoy your meal