Originally Posted By: Pappenheimer
I love this game, but I never came past the third level, and only once past the second.
The mouse seems to behave a bit wired, I guess it is because of the framerate, which is around 25 to 35, that's way to low for a casual game on my pc, although my pc is by far not new. I don't whether it helps, but when clicking F11 twice I see that the flat terrain has a bunch of tris that are not necessary at all.
I hope that you are going to make a lot optimzing as well, because I like to play that game, and I wish you much success with sales!

Thx, in next version, terrain will be composed by 3*3 poly (actually 80*80 Oo) my mistake laugh
I have to add options to remove some FX and maybe trees and grasses in the background.

Actually I use the specular bump fx, it is possible to keep same skins on objets (2 maps, one for color/spec and second for bump) and use a kind of blinn shader in place ? I need that images's alpha channel must be used for spec and not transparency.