It crashed after level 7 or so, but it may have been because of things I did in the background.

-creativity. I almost felt sorry for the poor spiders, when they snorted (or whatever the sound is they make... very cool) and sank into the ground. And the magnet-bricks rock!
-Inferno grin... very nice. Now that I understood the upgrade-system I could actually use it grin. I was surprised and pleased when I swa that they move through bricks as well. Multiball+Kamikaze = Fun.
-Animation of the mutli-hit bricks. last time I played I was busy watching other stuff, so I only noticed it now -> very cool.

Could be better:
-the time before it loads a new level is a little long, every time I wonder "did it crash now?" maybe a "level won!" message wouldn't be bad, before it loads the next level. Also, you seem to cover up the muss that has grown, I saw the difference in texture on the left and right of the playing field.
-I could hardly see the "growing" effect at the beginning of the level, because the black was still fading. You could make the effect a little slower or later, it's cool!
-When I catch the pores, maybe add some sound or animation? cause I always just thought they had nothing to do with the gameplay and were only visual eye-candy.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain