More Questions LMAO >>>

1) Do the events have to be static? I'm wondering how i would use values of controls inside a static function eg like Button.Text. Because static works at class level rather than object level, if several entities use the same function, wont they pick up values left by the previous run function?

2) How can you just run a function called from anywhere, eg when clicked on a button?

I need to use a while loop and so I need to use the scheduler. I'm just simply rotating an entity...

public static IEnumerable RotateEnt()
while (true)
MyEnt.pan.IntValue += 5;
yield return 1;

i've tried just using RotateEnt() in the buttons click event, but it wont execute.

Thanks. Btw, what did update?

Last edited by DJBMASTER; 07/26/09 05:07.