This is only advice and you can do what you want...but...

Find the area in game creation that you excel at. Get others to help you with the areas that you do not. I for one really suck at character modeling and animation. I pay others to do this part for me. I can create code that is very good and works well. I can also create (now that I have a high end procedural generator ie by the numbers) textures with normal maps etc. I can also create non-organic models. From my experience the models I contract out are a single mesh and have good bone animation. They seem to work well in a7. The biggest thing I have notice about the really good models and I now require is that the center line is a set of faces not a vertex seam. The texture mapping is the biggest part of the work in an organic model. You should also be using a modeling program that will allow you to create models with animations in several formats so that you can market them. Blender is a good choice as it is:
a) free
b) exports to many formats
c) supports animation.

If I ever get the time to learn it I think that even I could do a good character model with this app.

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