Originally Posted By: Dark_samurai
@lostclimate: This is the typical american view ^^

That's way most of the people in america are overweight, that's way the car industry crashes that easy, that's way the rainforest get's destroyed, that's way a lot of animals die out, ... The list is endless! Ignorance is a typical american thing.

The reason I dont care is because to be honest I could care less what happens to anyone or anything after I die.

You are right, you won't live anymore when the results of global warning will be a real problem but your children, and their children.

I for myself am thinking that the real problem of global warning is in china and all those countries where a catalysator for example aren't officialy required and of course the way we make our current. I live in austria, so we don't have problems with producing clean current (because of the rivers) but caloric power plants are one of the biggest polluters.

It's not about ignorance, it's about me using resources around me to make my life better. I will not be having kids and dont really care if anyone ever procreates again. Why does everyone have this obsession with thinking that the human race is important in some way?
Originally Posted By: adoado
The reason I dont care is because to be honest I could care less what happens to anyone or anything after I die.

So imagine right now, some major event affected you, and you know it was due to people (now passed away) who had the chance to stop it, for very little sacrifice. Personally, I would be angry. We need to think more holistic (?) and think about future generations. Just as you would happily invest in real estate, knowing in 20-30 years your children will benefit when it's value increases, why not invest in a clean, sustainable, and ultimately, fair chance of a life equal or better than we are experiencing.

I would think they are doing the bast for them in there life which is the logical thing to do.