I asked for a new function of panels here: Panel.layer = lower than ent => below ent!?

So i tried:

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

BMAP* testbmap = "flatplane.tga";

PANEL* test =
   layer = -1;
   bmap = testbmap;
   flags = SHOW;


function main()
   fps_max = 60;
   video_mode = 8;
   ent_create("cube.mdl", vector(0,0,0), NULL);
   camera.tilt = -50;
   camera.pan = 90;
   camera.z = 500;
   camera.x = 0;
   camera.y = -250;

but the panel is still shown ABOVE the model...

Do you know any way to show panels i want BELOW Entities?

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