Originally Posted By: zemog
I spent the last 3 years with Ruby Programming, workflow isnt so much important for myself,.
I need a stable engine with a straight forward documentation and learning curve. Unity looks nice, but it is .net based and I prefer to avoid the usage of .net
But I will take a deeper look on it wink
Torque is not enough documented, and I cannot go on with this lack of documentation.

A tool has to fit to the entire team, not only to the programmer. If a programmer is comfortable with Ogre3d then it might be that the level designers and artists cannot work at all without additional tools (Ogre has no editors).

It is only a tool. Professional artists are able to switch between modeling tools. Professional coders know a couple of languages and can get into a new one in a few days.

Unity does not offer C# as the only option. You can also program in Boo and JavaScript. Though C# is a very good and powerful language. Several XNA-engines or the Neoaxis-Engine also support C# programming. This is way easier than C++ coding, more safe and creates no memory leaks.

And I agree, a good documentation is a very important fact to take into consideration.

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