Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
(the gallery of Ogre, Torque and Unity3d or the new Instant action platform is full of them)

Actually Instant Action is Torque, which brings me to mention that the games on there are more than enough proof for TGEA.

[quote=darkinferno]agreeing with the above post, look, when selling an engine, game, car, w/e, one rule counts.. the better it looks, the more attention you attract... torque as realized this and alot of upcoming designers will rarely choose gs... simply because...[/url]

Completely true, that's why most indies that can't draw just make the game look scribbly, which MOST people pass off as a great looking art game. To me it's just scribbles, but it's the gameplay that matters.

Back on the T3D train: The blogs they have been posting about T3D have impressed me well enough to say that it can pull off nice graphics. So far with TGEA they have had some nice games released (Dreamlords, Buccaneer, Fallen Empire) which prove the engine is good at MMOs and networking. Actually, those three games and Lore Aftermath are reason enough (to me) to get Torque. At first I was a bit concerned with T3D and wondering if it would be fast and good looking and it has both. Apparently it's also good for mid and low range systems.

When I saw Torque back in '04 I thought 'There's no way in hell I'm gonna get that engine'. The license was horrible, as a matter of fact IT was the reason I didn't get Torque to begin with, instead we got A6 around '05. I have to say, A6 made it easy for me to jump into programming and now I'm happy to say that I'm ready to move up to Torque, although it'll be about a year or two of learning TorqueScript and C++ (i know some basic cpp, but that's it. another thanks to cscript) I'll be able to walk in on a cusion rather than a hardwood floor so to speak. There's no way I would've tried jumping to C++ back then.

It's just that so far Torque has been proven, I think It's gonna be a good engine (T3D), and since you still get the license to use TGEA you can downgrade at any time.

- aka Manslayer101