Of course this is only a strategy if you are learning, if you are beginning a new project or if you are just interested in technology.
It is an entire different story if you already work on an existing project. You don't have to care about alternatives and new tech then.

I agree - even if we should not stop to learn things it can be quite heavy if youīre in production.
But Iīve learned that I should keep a "multitasking" approach, different small projects / concepts, which are
done in Unity or A7, it depends on the project.

What I simply donīt get, is the hype about the engines.
They are just tools, nothing "revolutionary".
Of course itīs ok to get excited, but imo itīs ridiculous to say
that an engine represents the absolute truth and is the Holy Grail.
(I donīt mean you, Frank, but some people are sounding like this)

I love that there are such different approaches on the market.
Imagine everyone would drive a smart - how boring.
Insteat of that, some people are driving Porsche (Unreal), some
driving a Mercedes (Torque) and some are driving VW (A7).

Now imagine a Mercedes driver that denies VW drastically.
He even ignores that there are a lot of VW drivers that are quite happy how VW evolves.
And he claims, that VW will suffer in the long end.

Of couse I would love new Gs features in terms of workflow.
But we wonīt get them if we are just unfriendly.
Guisswork about the general situation of conitec doesnīt help either.

no science involved