Originally Posted By: ratchet
I just hope A8 to become more like Professionnal tools like Unreal 2 (or 3) engine, Far Cry 2,Unity engine etc ... not as professionnal; but like them , with an all in one world editor (world, water,physics,terrain, complete object properties etc ...

I agree with ratchet. Though this sounds like reaching for the stars, but indeed this is what Torque3d, C4, Unity or Leadwerks are trying to do and they succeed in some areas well.

Just a few examples: As C4 gots his node based script editor it was very much the same like the script editor from Unreal Engine (kismet). The new tools at T3D for real-time placing of roads and rivers are heavily inspired by the tools of the CryEngine. The real-time feedback and synchronisation of levels on PC and iPhone while editing the levels in Unity are woking just like the AAA engines work when you develop content for a console on a PC.

So it is not that bad to compare with the big ones and learn from them. We always should learn from the best.
Sometimes this takes some re-orientation. I had to learn C++ to get into new technologies, to understand the books about AI or other game logic, to understand Irrlicht, Ogre3D or C4. It just takes a week to understand a new syntax, nothing bad at all.

Of course this is only a strategy if you are learning, if you are beginning a new project or if you are just interested in technology.
It is an entire different story if you already work on an existing project. You don't have to care about alternatives and new tech then.

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