We should know what we want before knocking at Conitecs door

wel some people ,especially 3D artist know what they want in A7.
but that's more a termes of money and team (A7 team is not as big as Unity or T3D team) ! And lot of young coders ask for code or functions instead of tools : that's another point.

Some tools / templates are coming, that's good smile
I had A6 , and sometimes asked for some tools, theyr are not here , even today !
So all people stop asking , hoping :

If you cant' wait a year for some tools , the solution is :
Just buy another engine !
But you can come back to 3DGS, caus it's evolving and perhaps for a special game or effects , A7 will give you better control of things by code !!

And for the commercial version, the price it's OK.
Even if you don't have all tools you want, it's better than programming directly in C++ like Ogre3D or TV3 all your tools and your own World editor (that can take some month or years laugh ).

Admit it's lot better than FPS Creator for example : Buggy , very slow, very limited !!

Well long life to A7 like i said smile !