Hey but if JCL is milking it doesnt that go along with what I said? Its a business and they are all about money. People harp about T3D and Unity but lets hold up on these engines because nobody has created a game with T3D since it isnt even released yet. Secondly no major titles or not anything I would consider to be that good has been created with Unity, with the exception of Fusion Fall. They have the tools but lets not vote either one in the hall of fame just yet. The point is people want the tools and they cost money. Conitec doesnt care that you need or want tools. I agree that if they want to compete then they need to step up greatly for next version. However, how long does it take? Will their tech be then outdated again? Hard to play catchup in this business of games and game programming. Now heres the kicker....
Im creating a prototype now for my game... Can I shock you with graphics, level design and gameplay using Gstudio? I guess we will see. Look for a demo in the near future. Things are about to get "dark" around here... (evil laugh) GS out.