Its funny how this very discussion always comes up every 3 months or so, and always with the same participants and the same arguments. I remember that when I started with 3DGS 7 years ago I've read exactly the same, at that time about 3DGS vs. Wildtangent or Genesis or some other long forgotten engine.

The reason of such threads is that Gamestudio is advertised as a studio for kids and beginners, but is in fact a professional tool that demands a learning curve into game programming. That is not clear to many at first and after some time, comes as a bad surprise.

I think 3DGS will continue to mostly add commands and features to the engine and language, because thats its main purpose. I'm pretty sure this will continue with A8, A9 and so on. Which is fine with me, because I like this combination of ease of use and flexibility that I dont find in any other engine. I dont care about more editing tools at all. Professionals use other editors anyway.