i cant remember anyone here talking about "next generation" features at all.
since when are collision hulls, physics, shaders or word editors next gen?!
wer are complaining about basics here.

i agree gamestudio should be renamed. maybe to something like "almost a gamestudio".
i just doubt this would increase sales wink

speaking of sales:
all this indy games and simulatros mentioned can be created with gs of course. can be created with every single engine. but having to bypass every weakness of gs and having to write every single tool yourself will cut down your income dramaticly.
there is a huge difference if you need 4 months for a game or 14.

torque and other engines have realized that they need to provide tools to make game development possible today. gs hasnt yet.
all of them have weak points and drawbacks. but that doesnt make the gs problems dissapear.

having conitec creating small demos or games would open their eyes for a different part of gamedesign. jlc knows knows what he does code wise but games are not just code anymore.


Models, Textures and Levels at: