Originally Posted By: lostclimate
they do make sense, and they have happened.

Of course updates happened. We can read them easily in the beta section. But many users already mentioned that more than 90 percent of the updates are new script commands. This is JCL's job, and no doubt, he is doing a great job. He created a nice multimedia language, easy to learn, robust and stable.

But there is no development in other areas like tools as an example. And the templates development also moves veeeerrrryyy slowly. So the name "...studio" is more and more misleading. Unity and T3D are better studios this time. Unity even delivers working templates.

I watched the same slow dev situation at GarageGames and Torque. But now they indeed improved and became a lot faster. They realized that Unity offered a serious competition and that C4 becomes more and more a full featured solution with all tools included. They learned their lesson.

I am still not a fan-boy of Torque and I will never be. But I just see what happens out there without looking through colored sunglasses.
And the example of darkinferno shows clearly, that a skilled Lite-C developer with a really impressive Gamestudio project still can have an objective and open-eyed view at the market (just like many old GS users as well).

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