I wonder why any of you guys updated to A6 or A7 in the first place, if all you need is detication and talent!

this aint about some shader or "one button miracle shit" at all. I am complaining about stoneage workflow that slows down project dramaticly. I am talking about features that cant be used in full projects. I am frustrated about 2 years without any major addon.

its a fucking joke that you cant even place some entities in your level with WED. This tool aint some editor its more of a torture instrument. Even creating BSP levels is a pain in the knee with it.
Even simple things like fast model placing or heightmap corrections are not possible.

Any project that needs more then one coder is 30% additional time needed just to combine that work.

Alternative platforms and systems are not anywhere visible. Physic system and multiplayer are made to prduce constant glitches ane error. not workin on a larger scale.

I am fine with the fact that gs is easy learning and stable. But being the only positive attribute left after 8 years is a shame!!! gs didnt gain anything but just got reduced to this two main selling points.
Ignoring the fact that some users might want to go from hobby to indy one day.
But it looks like gs aint comming with them.

for those who think arguing about tools you work every day with is useless, i cant help them. i dont like the fact that you can realize less and less projects with gs because it gets outdated and way to timeconsuming every month.


Models, Textures and Levels at: