Originally Posted By: slacer
Well, it does not work with pure developers or pure artists.
Artists are not happy with game construction kits where they only need to import their models.

Pure coders cannot create outstandig art...

Now this thread switches from engine features to personal skills, dedication, vision, team, leadership... everything beyond technology.

Lets use our energy to create something cool and maybe some additional tools which makes live easier...

Well, yeah, but this switch to an emphasis on personal skills, teams and so on only makes sense!

The pure artists really shouldn't complain about 3dgs, it was never made with only them in mind as a target group and STILL it's probably one of the best choices around for pure artists.

I'm not joking when I say there's no engine that doesn't have a learning curve or need for actual programming if you want to make a unique and more advanced actual game, instead of minimalistic showcase projects which are effectively only rendering your models. You can use any engine for that, so why bother complaining if you don't really use the engine anyways?

Apart from that, most people regardless of engine choice, really should simply team up and take on projects together, finish them.. get rich (read: experience and results, not necessarily money) by combining their talent, not stubbornly wait until the and all be all perfect 'make me a DirectX14 game'-buttonized engine appears that will ruin the fun for everyone anyways.

Perhaps pure artists shouldn't try to make games, but paintings? Perhaps pure programmers shouldn't try to make art? Games obviously need both graphics and programming to be created, but it's really not an engine's fault that some people can't program or are lazy when it comes to setting up scenes and creating levels. Or for example when projects fail because some people can't be a good teamplayer.

It's odd how people even bother to argue about different engines so much anyways. Technical differences aside, most engines can do just about the same thing anyways, after all it's a tool to make games.

It's like people claiming one synthesizer (yeah, music industry example) is a lot better than the other, but truth is both can be used to make awesome music. The result matters! It's not an excuse for 3dgs being technically outdated, but it's not an argument to bash it, ultimately throwing it away as if it's completely useless either.

Funny thing is that I am not even really defending 3dgs now, but more so people's choice for whatever engine they decide to go or stick with.


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