Originally Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die
That's too expensive ? And for the people against their licensing. You have to make over $250k annually with your game. So , if you bought the $1000 dollar version , and you make a kick ass game that makes over $250,000 that year , then you contact them about their commercial license , which is only $3000. So , $250,000 - $3,000 = $247,000 , not that big a deal if you ask me. Specially considering you'll have to fork over around half of your entire profits to the government in taxes , LOL.

It's not the difference in game revenue for the licenses that's the problem. That's understandable. But most of the devs over there that actually produce games will tell you (look through the forums) that the Indie version of T3D is pretty much useless for creating a decent game. It's primary intent is for use by the content people on a team to test the pipeline while the coders use the Commercial version for the actual game creation.

Sure, you could make a simple game with the Indie version, but it's not really meant for that. And it's not just me saying that, as I said, check what all the actual game making Torque devs are saying over there. Then there are non-disclosed additional fees for making a sim, or virtual world, or porting to console or iPhone, or almost anything else.

For the people saying "Who cares about $1500 and possibly much more in non-disclosed amounts if you want to make a game?", I think you're in the wrong discussion because apparently you have so much money to spend on game engines you shouldn't even be arguing for or against GS. That's like saying "Why would anyone want to buy a moped when they could buy a Volvo?".

People are buying a $200 (or $49) engine because generally that's what they can afford to spend on an engine. Or that's what they figure their hobby is worth. Sure there are people who spend thousands on their hobby, but there are also people who can't. If you can't afford to throw a couple thousand dollars at your hobby then arguing for or against it is simply a moot point. There simply won't be a lot of hobbyists buying T3D.

Discussion about which engine is better or which one does more stuff is good, but most people are using the cheaper versions of GS because that's what they can afford for their hobby. If I'm wrong, then that means I'm in the wrong discussion here, because apparently everyone pushing the bigger money engines in this discussion are commercial game devs with commercial products already on the shelf. If that's the case, I apologize for jumping in here...

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