quote]or you could write everything in c++ and have your own engine. wink
i thought the basic idea of buying an engine is to make your life easier and not more complicated..[/quote]

wysiwyg editor: you cant even see the ingame ammount of albedo in WED. not talking about shadows, materials, animation, lights.

Thats why WED isnt considered a7's wysiwyg editor, GED is.

physic: not talking about a few crates falling down. if you have ever tried to use a cylinder for example, gs will make you kill yourself. turning ph objects on and off is a mayham and trying more then a few of them at a time.... not nice.

Works fine for me and many others

multiplayer: even managing a simple 32p game is hell. mmo is impossible. though you can cancel this point. multiplayer is a pain in any engine and i dont want to be too picky here.

not great in many engines (most actually) but there are several adequate solutions to this third party wise.

having poping up lod stages nowadays might be ok for you but i doubt its anyway near state of art. lod in general is done very poor. you are not flexible enough here. but at least gs has lod..

If you have decent lod it's not an issue in the least and shouldnt even be visible in difference

gs has shaders for example. but using them on borad scale like needed today is still not working.
gs has shadows for example. but using them ingame for more then 2 models is impossible.
having a whole level shaded correctly cant be done by gs in realtime.

What exactly are your talking about? shadow mapping is done exactly the same in this engine as it is in any, using shaders and its not that complicated, Being not even closed to a shader guru, i was able to make (albiet, not great) ssao:

(looked much better by the time i was done with it) , and I was able to modify the shader workshop to make this

not to mention, if its not possible then how exactly do you explain shade-c or slins dynamic shadowmapping solutions?

Bottom line you get more bang for you buck with a7 imho. you can do anything the Torque 3D, Unity, etc. can do for $200 as opposed to the $1500 you need for both those engines to still have those features. So yeah, if I had 1.5k to throw around, I'd probably get Unity3D so that I can have many plug and play push 1 button to create features, but until I am rolling in the dough, I'll stick with A7

Last edited by lostclimate; 05/31/09 04:05.