Originally Posted By: KiwiBoy
Quite agree, all you have to do is script them.
Then you can have endless terrains, ingame editors and so on...

or you could write everything in c++ and have your own engine. wink
i thought the basic idea of buying an engine is to make your life easier and not more complicated.

as for the points from above.
wysiwyg editor: you cant even see the ingame ammount of albedo in WED. not talking about shadows, materials, animation, lights.

physic: not talking about a few crates falling down. if you have ever tried to use a cylinder for example, gs will make you kill yourself. turning ph objects on and off is a mayham and trying more then a few of them at a time.... not nice.

multiplayer: even managing a simple 32p game is hell. mmo is impossible. though you can cancel this point. multiplayer is a pain in any engine and i dont want to be too picky here.

having poping up lod stages nowadays might be ok for you but i doubt its anyway near state of art. lod in general is done very poor. you are not flexible enough here. but at least gs has lod.


gs has shaders for example. but using them on borad scale like needed today is still not working.
gs has shadows for example. but using them ingame for more then 2 models is impossible.
having a whole level shaded correctly cant be done by gs in realtime.

i am talking about issues people complain since a5 and those are still not fixed or anywhere near ok.

wanna know what the only big fix was since a5 that work at least a bit: collision detection.

compared to all the new engines gs is loosing ground very fast. every engine has issues. no need to talk about that.
but none of the others is changing thaaaaaaaaaaat slow like gs does.

who the hell needs bsp today?!

you can pick any change and addon list from 2007 here and i am sure not more then 20% of the suggestions made in it where realized till today.

talking about pr and marketing.
having a upcoming feature list that can be compared with nostradamus novel doesnt sound like a good marketing plan to me.
without the "magazine" we wouldnt even know about changes.

i know that all this ranting aint new nor does it help since conitec will probably ignore everything like this, but if you are honest no other engine copareable with gs hast changed that less in the last 3 years.

sure is gs stable and working. no new features no new problems.

as far as i am concerned torque beats gs with every new update a lot more. and torque aint even the best indy engine out there!

have a nice cheese

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