The comparison does not work because paint provides everything you need to paint per pixel. Imagine the paintbrush size was limited to a minimum of 20pixel for some technical reason and you have to use a 600/600 image frame. This makes it unnecessary harder to create the same image.

Imagine a car without a reverse gear. Would make parking a lot harder.
nothing is impossible, especially when its up to games. But would you buy the car or the paint tool with that limitations, if all other dont have them?

you pay for tools when you buy the engine today. all of them can display pixels onscreen. thats like selling a paint tool with the features "colors". this days are gone!

indy game developer face another point: manpower. we dont have huge teams or you wont find the needed specialist for a field you lack.
its a lot easier to paint the mona lisa with photoshop (layers, filters and so on). therefor you will find a loooooot more teammembers you can hire or you can create it yourself.

Having a spoon to dig out a hole makes it harder to survive if all other competitors have shovels or machines.

I am sorry but its not that easy. Its not all about imagination, detication and talent. those things help for sure but this is not what i am paying for when i order gamestudio. this is not what i get from conitec.
all they need to deliver are tools. tools that can compete with the market.

nobody will use paint if he can have paintshop. nobody will pay 1500dollar to get paint if he can have photoshop for that money.
and nobody will pay 800bucks for an engine that can not compete on the market.

no wsyiwyg editor, no multiplatorms, no working phsyic, no realtime shadows, no exporters/importers, no material editor, no AI, no multiplayer, no up to date lod system.......

where is the progress? A6 A7 Adifference?


Models, Textures and Levels at: