I own all Torque engines except Torque3D, but quit using them some time back. It was bad enough that there were always 'Early Adapter' versions coming out that were never really finished before they moved on to the next great thing (how many variations of engines do they have now?), but when they trashed the EULA a couple years ago I had enough. Almost anything you want to do costs extra now, and the EULA is so ambiguous their standard line is "get in touch with us and we'll let you know how much extra it's going to cost you to publish your product". I bought commercial licenses so I wouldn't have to worry about that, then they completely changed it.

After they were bought out things changed so much the original founders eventually jumped ship and started a new company called Pushbutton Labs because things got so screwed up. The new people even decided to create a whole new community area and forums for GarageGames, and screwed that up too.

They're making the same promises for T3D they did about all the other engines, and T3D is basically a partial rewrite of TGEA with a few nifty new tools. And they're charging $1,000US for it. Forget the lower end version, it's virtually useless.

I switched to GS a couple years ago (give or take) solely because I wanted a system with a EULA that was simple and straightforward, and that I could work with. It's not just about what the engine can do, it's also about what you can do with the product you make with it when you finish it...

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