You could read such postings years ago, too.
Lots of users wanted to switch to torque, they talked about stencil shadows, cool editors, etc.

There was a big hype when gamecreators announced FPSCreator. Lots of videos about editing levels, multiplayer, etc.

Maybe we see A10 in some years, but the competitors will always be different.
You should know this - Conitec is not the leding edge and never will be.

Some artists create great artwork with free tools, while others use a cracked Max/Maya, etc. and create trash.

The artists, developers and teams create great games.
Finding work-arounds for problems is part of the job. You think unity is a great engine without problems? Maybe there are different problems to solve, but there is nothing like a problem free zone in game development.

Once you have your tool pipeline ready, workflows are established, responsibilities are clear, all members of the team have the same vision...
... you should be able to create great games with all engines mentioned in this thread.

Well, even if you use Max, Maya or Lightwave for model creation, you will have to find work-arounds for issues with exported models in the given game engine of choice.

You will see these kinds of threads in other game communities as well, it is not a 3dgs only thing.

Sorry for this long text but I could not stop... laugh
-- slacer