No offense to those who are defending Unity or whatever, but the posts so far have been just comical.

"I didn't bother looking at Kabus example but here's a long rant on why Unity Indie is still better."

"I didn't look at the video at all but the shadows or looks can definitely not be that good if it was made with A6"

BTW, Unity Indie = 11,000 bucks here, not cheap at all for an "INDIE". So telling someone to "oh just buy the pro if you need shadows" is just.. well..

The whole point of Pro license is to start spending big when you are making money with the Indie version. Upgrading to A7 Pro brings sensible updates, like removal of logo and better MP. While upgrading to Unity Pro mean.. well, better shadows and water (and RTT.. among other features).

To all those saying how Indie version can make Kabus like game (HINT: Survival Horror genre). Please do make it, using Indie and release it for review. It'll be really entertaining, the response your game will get.

Also, I am not bashing Unity (read old posts before saying someone is bashing an engine). I just don't think that certain genres will work the same the way they work on A7 version comparable to Unity Indie. I already said it that the editor of Unity is no big deal at least for me (I can work without such editor, nothing amazing) so as far as I am concerned, the only pros is the Mac portability.

Good luck with your games people (I will obviously keep an eye out on the type of commercial games produced with Unity Indie.. so far, none, but maybe in the future).

Click to reveal.. (warning)