Just to throw my two cents in, forgive me for not supplying the original names of any quotes.

if the Bible is wrong, then there is no God, no Jesus, and no immortality in Heaven. Man dies and that's it. To many people this is unacceptable, and would cause insanity.
Assuming the the Bible is wrong, how does this PROVE there is no God, Jesus, and immortality?
The Bible may be chock full of incorrectness, but still contain SOME truth.
If a good book cant PROVE they DO exist, how can a bad book prove they DONT?

So why he offered the snake and the apple to Adam and Eve? He must have known that they will fail. He created them. He could have made them robust against sin. He could have made them that way that they dislike forbidden apples and don't want to talk with snakes.
By creating them robust against evil, he would have had to limit or remove free-will.
Just because someone is CAPABLE of commiting sin, doesnt mean they MUST.
Do YOU commit a sin EVERY time you see the opportunity to do so, cause I dont,
and I aint no saint. (PS Im not even a "believer" in the truest sense)

Another thought, most of the time when people are creating some'thing', they will use tools.
Cant God have created a tool called 'Evolution' to simplify his works, and avoid all that
messing about concentrating on every single species?

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