People keep asking about a wait equivalent in C++

The hard way is to work with threads, but if you didn't know this yet you better just forget it again. For (simple) tasks found in gameplay that's not needed. A better way is to either call your function every frame from lite-c and to decide inside C++ code what to execute when. This decision can be based on a var (Cpp function was called N times?), on the engine timer (2 seconds passed since last execution?) or a condition (is the object in line of sight?). Or a more advanced way, especially if you want to write more code than some snippets in Cpp is to use a 'scheduler'. This scheduler is a singleton class inside your dll, to which tasks are added which then get executed at a requested time.

class ITask
	virtual void onUpdate() = 0;

class Scheduler
	static void addTask( ITask* task )
		mTasks.push_back( task );

	static void update()
		TaskContainer::iterator itr, end = mTasks.end();

		for( itr = mTasks.begin(); itr != end; ++itr )

	typedef std::vector< ITask* > TaskContainer;
	static TaskContainer mTasks;

DLLFUNC void scheduler_update()

Instead of using a singleton class here I just made the methods static. Also, tasks are executed just every frame

Now, just derivate whatever from ITask and call scheduler_update() every frame.

class MoveTask : public ITask
	MoveTask( ENTITY* entity )
		:	mEntity( entity )

	void onUpdate()
		c_move( mEntity, ... );

	ENTITY* mEntity;

Scheduler::addTask( new MoveTask( myEntityInTheWorld ) );

which corresponds to

while(1) {
	c_move( Entity, ... );

Last edited by TWO; 07/27/10 13:04.