when I first read about the current AUM contest I had the idea to realize a simple 2d-sidescroller using only panels and draw commands.
It applies to the rules of the contest, as it does not use any external files. Only lite-C script files and .dlls (acknex.dll and DirectX).

Today I finished it, although with one feature less than planed (no game menu).

- Arrow up/down to move your ship
- Space: shoots your canon
There can be only three bullets at the same time, so watch your shots!


Download Alien's Cave here

I'm not sure if I'll really enter the contest with this as it is really basic.
Anyway, hope you have a little bit fun with it and I'd be glad for any feedback.

Thanks for reading!

Fixed the links

Last edited by Xarthor; 01/31/09 17:51.