OK! So what do you think?! You say there is no God!

First of all, I did not say that. I said "I could say". "Could," in that sentence, means that this is something possible that I could say. The point was, just because someone says it does not make it to be true.

OK then what will hape with you afther you dead??? CAN YOU ANSWER ME????

No. And neither can you. You have not been beyond death and back to let us know. You are only getting your information from a book (the Qur'an) and from what you are being told. But your book is not reliable. You believe what it says about life after death because you choose to and not because there is any objective proof for it. So, no, you cannot answer your own question. Don't be a hypocrite and demand someone else answers the question that you yourself cannot.

You think that you will live 70, ok even 100 years, and afther death nothing will happen???

It is certainly a possibility. Are there other possibilities? Yes. We can imagine all sorts of things to happen after we die, but how do we know they are true? We can test some of these ideas to some degree. But why should we simply trust some ancient book that has proven itself to be fallible in so many ways and one that shows a God that is lacking in morals at that?!?

You know in medicine they found that afther death humans wight be come lighter to 20 gr. you know why??? Becouse his soul lives his body! You can find it in Quran!!!

Try again:


You know one of the most popular sea investigators found that in sea cold and warm waters streaming together and not mixing!!! He be came most popular afther he discoved that! But he was very confused when he found it in Quran! The thing which he just discovered he found in muslims holy book! Afther that he ba came a muslim!

Interesting ... did you know the same story is told about a man discovering the "currents" in the sea from his reading of the Bible? According to this "Christian" tale, it was the man's faith in the Christian God and his reading of the Christian Bible that caused him to discover these things.

Just because there are stories like this does not automatically make them true. In any case, care to share the man's name and the particular verses from the Qur'an that he supposedly found there that were so convincing? I am willing to bet that, even if they are there, they will be so obscure that about a zillion different theories can be made from them. Just take a look at about any of the "Science and Qur'an" sites out there and watch them take supposed proofs from the Qur'an concerning science. I love how they try to get around all the "flat earth" passages (as an example).

There are many of great people be came also muslim, becouse they found things which they didn't know before, which they just discovered which was in Quran!

Is this a proof of the authenticity of the Qur'an? If so, then what about the great men (and women) that have become Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jewish, Atheists and Agnostics? Just because some "great" person decides they want to accept a particular religion does not make it true. This is a "non argument".

Don't think that if you don't see it, it doesn't exist!

I don't. I cannot see individual atoms, but I believe they are there. We can at least test for these types of things. We can test the Qur'an also and it is found to be a fallible document. So I have no need to trust in the things that it describes that I cannot see (such as its God).

Quran is the only book that gives as may be not all but most of the answers for our questions!!!

Uhm ... no. Even the Bible claims to give the answers to most of our questions. The big questions in life tend to be questions like:

- How did we get here (the creation, etc)?
- Why am I here?
- Do I have a purpose?
- Where do I go after I die?
- Is there a form of eternal justice?

Virtually every "holy" book attempts to pass off an answer to these questions and more. The Qur'an is only ONE out of many, many that try to answer these questions. You simply believe that your book is the right one. Everyone believes that their "holy book" has the right answers. So now you have to go back to the book itself and see if it holds up to what can be tested in order to see if it can be trusted for those things that cannot be tested (eternity, God, etc). The Qur'an fails.

If you not agree belive me it's your problem!!!

I could say:

If you believe, then that is YOUR problem.

Please understand, I know that you believe the Qur'an and in Allah. Fine. But you have done nothing to provide any proof for your faith. Faith/belief is only as good as the object in which you place it. If that object is not worthy of faith then faith, no matter how devote, will fail in the end. I can have faith that I have 10 billion dollars in my bank account all I want, but if I try to withdraw it then my faith will be proven absolutely wrong. If your faith in the afterlife, as presented in the Qur'an, is wrong, then your faith, no matter how strong, will also likewise fail.

When it comes to religion, it is not really a matter of faith (despite what we are being told by so many preachers and priests). It is really a matter of truth. If the holy books of any religion are not reliable, then they cannot be trusted and especially not for matters of faith.

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