Ok thank you. But wont placing dummy vertices spoil the stencil shadows ?.
(because stencil shadows need closed meshes)

I am not asking for a general rendering flag that renders shaoow regardless of the view frustum.
but I was thinking of a solution in these lines :-

There can be a global engine var like disable_shadow_culling which will have 2 values :-

0 (default) - The engine behaves the same way as it behaves now , meaning that it culls the shadow of any entity away from view frustum. This way fps is high.

1 - The shadows of all entities whose 'SHADOW_ALWAYS' flag is set will not be culled.
So those entities whose SHADOW_ALWAYS is not set , will still cull their shadows.

I am sure there will be many levels(and with the current hardware) where fps is not a big concern, but having great realsitic shadows will add a lot to the game !.

This is definetly a scaleable option.


I like good 'views' because they have no 'strings' attached..