Dooley said:

I don't think your feelings of right and wrong are different than the Creator's. Yes He allowed evil to exist in this world, but why? What were His other options?

1. Allow no evil at all - this would be a pointless universe. We would all be robots, and would have no free-will.

Just for fun, let's explore option #1:

If this is the case (that evil had to exist or the universe would be a pointless place, we would all be robots and have no free wil) then what does this say about heaven and the afterlife? According to the Bible, heaven is a place without sin and no evil is allowed there. I am assuming (and, yes, I know this is dangerous) that the Qu'ran teaches something similar about the afterlife. If this is so (according to your logic) then eternity is pointless and those that enter in would have no free will.

Smitty said:

There are 7 dispensations in the bible:

Human Conscience
Human Government

You state these as fact when you say "there are". However, only Christians that believe in Dispensationalism believe in biblical dispensations. Covenant theologians do no hold to dispensational views. Even among dispensationalists, the number of dispensations varies. Some see five. Some some more. Yet you state them as fact. In fact, the Bible does not state the seven dispensations nor does it give them names. Theologians create them based on what they believe to be seen in the dispensations they think they see in the Bible. Some even disagree on what makes each dispensation distinct from another. It all depends on which author you read.

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