Originally Posted By: JulzMighty
on the other end of the scale are those who misunderstand and say "it's a theory because it's true".

Well, Julz, I guess there will always be people misunderstanding everything no matter how much you try. That's why I made this post, to clear up at least one of the million terms we use around here on a daily basis which have been twisted around from their original meaning so much they barely mean anything anymore, or the whole threads around them. Take God, for example. Every time anyone uses the word "God" I bet he means a whole different thing, but because we rarely take the effort to clarify ourselves, conversations go on and on with both parties talking about completely different subjects each.

The video makes it blatantly clear what 'theory' means.. It does mentions how theories get replaced all the time, how sometimes they need to change stuff in them and how no theory is implied to be in all certainty correct but what humans and technology has managed to learn about a subject up to today. I've also mentioned unlimited times how you can never ever prove a theory. Einstein said once: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.". So.. as long as this term is concerned, if a person actually watched the video, read this thread and still has a misconception about what theory means... I have no words of comfort for your dejected spirit.. Obviously, reading text is not really 'your thing'. But I'm fairly certain that such a person doesn't really exist.


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