Side question Delerna, if you believe in God and all his wonders, do you need
to believe the he kept small gene pools clean? After all, if 'He' is running
the show, then Genetics is just science's, possibly faulty interpretation
of what 'He' is doing.
No, I don't, I don't know and I don't feel a great need to know. And mabe genetics is based on "faulty interpretation"? (I actually don't believe that, but it wouldn't be the first time now would it?)

You don't feel a great need to know? That explains your scary lack of basic knowledge. But you say you can disprove libraries over libraries full of knowledge. How when you don't even know what they say?

You say the interpretation is faulty. But you don't even know the "interpretation" nor all the facts that leaded to this interpretation. You know small fragments. You twist this fragments. And say that is the proof that evolution is wrong. Good job.

I for myself have been in a quarry before. I have seen fossils in the layers. Evolution theory fits perfectly into what i have seen with my own eyes, with what i have held in my own hands.

Last edited by Tiles; 11/03/08 10:21.

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