Originally Posted By: Tiles
Of course the bible and science disagree greatly, on when there was only one land mass, supercontinent.

There was at one point a super continent. But before there was divided land masses and after there was divided land masses.

Pangea, the latest super continent, dates back into 300 - 150 million years bc. There are no human fossils found in that age, not even mammals ...

I would pretty well say they differ a bit wink

Which realistically means the story of a "global" flood couldn't possibly have been about the period back when the super-continent Pangaea existed... after all, if humans would have gone extinct back then or better yet survived such a flood in a Noah's Ark type boat, then we would have found fossils either way.

And assuming there are fossils but we haven't found them yet, then there is of course the problem of a huge hiatus when it comes to the first human fossils compared to the time of Pangaea. Not to mention how the authors of the Bible could possibly know of such things.

By the way, there really has been extensive research done all over the world when it comes to the global flood story. Every time geologists found some clues of a possible flood, it always turns out to have been local floods. Sometimes bigger ones, think tsunamis, but all of them leave quite distinct marks in geological layers. A huge global flood would have been visible in geological layers for sure, especially as in good conditions even slight rise and lowering of sea level can be traced back in the layers.

On one hand it makes no sense to rule out the possibility of a worldwide flood, but on the other hand without exception all the evidence so far points in a very different direction.

Ahh and another something quite important, when it comes to simple fluid dynamics, it would take a really tremendous force of vibration, sudden change in temperature and pressure to be able to cause such a literal global flood. Quite unlikely that something like that would remain totally unnoticed by geologists that study geological layers all around the globe,


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