If evolution were true then the first forms of life would have had a very small gene pool as would each new species that evolved....wouldn't they?
It would have taken many generations to expand the gene pool, I feel

Sure this doesn't work in two weeks with two individual bisexual liveforms. You still miss the time frame in which evolution happens.

Yes it has taken many many generations to expand the gene pool. What about having zillions and zillions of single individual liveforms in one cubic metre of ocean water? That's a bit more than two. And what about hundrets of millions of years? That's a bit more than fivethousand years. When you look at the fossils it really tooked a long long time until there was a bit more variation. It really started when there was enough oxygene, produced by cyanobacterias. The first cyanobacterias dates back into 3.5-3.8 billion years, in the Precambrian.

The origial thread topic here is another small proof of what happened. Micro evolution. First separations, first specialization, and on we go with macro evolution.

What you overlook is that with bacterias and protozoal liveforms a small gene pool absolutely doesn't matter. It would be enough to have just one. Because they don't mix genes. They reproduce by cell division, copying the genetic material 1:1. Sometime this reproduction is not exactly 1:1. Which leads to variations. But it mainly keeps the genes 1:1. That's why it takes a long time to see evolution happen here. Honestly a bit surprising that it happened so fast at the coli bacterias from the original topic.

Bisexual reproduction came much much later. And here the gene pool pretty much matters. Bisexual reproduction also evolutes much faster. Because it mixes genes, and doesn't just copy it.

That's of course not what the bible or any other holy book tells you. Bible is not even close to the facts at no point. Because it represents the knowledge of before 5000-2000 years. They didn't know the facts, they didn't have the scientic methods we have nowadays. They needed to introduce deities to explain the world. Because they lacked of knowledge. Ooh, a thunderstorm. Must be an angry god. We cannot explain it with something else. So there came a god of sun, a god of fire, a god of ... . And finally it all turned into one god for everything.

But i don't want to argue here with you if your god exists or not. Keep your faith. Believe. I don't mind. As long as you don't want to burn me down as a sorcerer as your religion did before with scientists.


Besides, a small gene pool is only a problem when you take God out of the picture. As the author of genes I am sure he would have been able to overcome that small problem.

Ah, okay. Tell that the malformed animals that were born out of endogamy. Every farmer can tell you that you better don't do that. This small problem is not even allowed to happen you say here wink

I think i said it before. Faith ends where knowledge starts.

Last edited by Tiles; 10/27/08 09:25.

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