This is good stuff, lots of healty debate smile

Tons of evidences for Evolution theory.

NO evidence for creation. Not a single one.

Well, is that true?
Lets see....Now I am going to count on the bible for supportive evidence.
well at least as many of them as I can call to mind as I write this.
I don't want to be quoting a myriad of bible texts at you so I wil paraphrase them.

1) The bible describes a sequence of events that lead up to the appearance of man.
- In essence, science agrees with this sequence.
Science goes into a lot more detail, the bible is not a science textbook.

2) The bible describes the earth as a single landmass surrounded by water.
- Science also agrees that the earth was once a single land mass surrounded by water

3) The bibles tells of Adam and Eve and how all mankind came from them.
- Science also agrees that we are all genetically related to each other.

4) The Bible tells how we were created to live forever and that at some stage there will be a cure for ageing and death.
- Science also agrees that there may soon be a drug that will enable us to stay younger for longer and live longer and who knows, maybe even forever.

5) The bible describes a blanket of water that surrounded the earth producing mild climate conditions.
- Science has made mention of a layer of water in the outer later of its atmosphere. Science also agrees that the eaths climate was once more mild and even.

6) The bible describes a flood where the blanket of water surrounding the earth fell to earth.
- The layer of water surrounding the earth mentioned by science is gone. Where did it go?

7) The bible tells of a man and his family that survived the flood
- Almost every race of man living on earth have a flood story remarkably like it. Maybe ALL of them are based on a real event.

8) The bible states that all mankind alive on earth today are descendents of Noahs 3 sons and their wives.
- All races of mankind alive on earth today are variations of 3 base races.Mongoloid,Negroid and Caucasian.

9) We can conclude then that all languages are derivatives of the language spoken by Noah and his family.
- Linguistic scientists have traced all languages back to a single language orriginating from.....guess where?

10) The bible made mention of a race that for a long long time was denied they ever existed.
- Acheoligists relatively recently discovered the Assyrians exactly where the bible said they were.

11) The bible descibes many many peoples and places.
- Archeologists have confirmed the existence of these people and places.
Many of which were discovered using the bible as a roadmap.

I could go on but thats enough.
All circumstantial and open to interpretation! is

NO evidence for creation. Not a single one.

I don't believe you.

No human can proove creation to any of you.
But creation can be prooven and you cannot understand the proof.

A human being has two basic needs.
His physical needs and his spiritual needs
Mankind was not created to exist apart from his creator.
He was created to have a personal relationship with God.
Anyone who truely nourishes and and feeds his spiritual side, knows that God exists.

Jesus said, If you are truely my disciplels, THEN you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

This is something that someone who denies his spiritual NEED can simply never understand.

If my confidence in knowing the truth comes accross as arrogant to you then I am sorry, I do not wish to be arrogant. But by the same token I will not allow my confidence to be erroded by half baked truths from mere imperfect error prone man regardles of how intelligent they claim they are.

If you have a problem with my confidence then I suggest you take it up with your maker. He will help you to see the truth if you really want him to. wink

Last edited by delerna; 10/24/08 21:58.