I just want to get back to what I have been trying to say.
And whichever side of the fence you sit on this is true.

There is, as yet not, one fact that proves one viewpoint over the other. All evidence presented in an attempt to proove one side or the other is nothing more than circumsantial evidence. All evidence presented in an attempt to disproove the other is nothing more than circumstantial evidence.

I see design in nature and I see life starting without assistance as impossible.
This is all circumstantial evidence....yes.
I have reached my conclusion without reference to any religious book and or person.

I have based that on what I can see/read/research/investigate/contemplate for myself.
I have not seen anything in science (so far) that is reserchable/investigatable that shows absolutely that my conclusion from the above is wrong.
Nothing more than circumstantial evidence that is open to interpretation either way and highly suspect due to scientist being paid to get results.
And far too many lucky accidents for chance to be the cause.

Tiles, you can disagree with my conclusion but don't accuse me of believing it because the bible tells me so. I think I have proven that is not true.
Shoot me down based on what I have said not on some perception you have of people who believe in creation

Last edited by delerna; 10/22/08 11:15.