Oh and fossils are another interrest of mine as is science (and history) in general. Has been since i was 13
So to say I ignore the fossil record is simply untrue.

Ah, okay, so how does fossils fit into the theory that the earth is just a few thousand years old? Ah, wait, you said you don't believe in that part of creationism. Okay, then, how comes that you can see evolution happen at fossils?


In fact, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that in my (limited) experience
you are more likely to find a critical thinker in a creationist that an evolutionist.

Huh? Who digs for facts? And who relies at a book?


Evolutionists tend to dogmatically adhere to what they learn't at school
and consider anyone who dosn't agree as a fool who listens to priests.
Because a scientist says its true then it must be true.

I think the same from creationists. For creationists just the bible exists. Who cares about facts. Bible states it, then it must be true wink

To be fair, I have also heard what I consider to be absolute garbage from creationists also.
But hey, I could be wrong in both counts. All I can do is weigh up what I see and go with my instincts.

Totally agree, from my angle of view of course. In my case my insticts tell me that there is something wrong with the bible way smile

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