Welcome back too smile

I really wish the guy would finish his manual and provide a few more useful scripting examples. Impossible to use it at the moment ...


Or that the existence of proteins is impossible outside of the cell?

Why should that be impossible? It is possible. It has been proven by experiments afaik.

So I take it that you dont see design in living organisms or the way the universe works?

No. I don't see design. Some things are too obviously grown together. Some things are so complex, no designer would make it this complicated. Some things so obviously unnecessary and just to explain by evolution, like the appendix. No i don't see a designer at work from my angle of view.

What i see is that most of the things the bible tells us about how the earth has been made has been disproven by facts. What i see is that most of those facts points in the evolution direction instead. When there is no evolution then there is no change. But there is obviously change.

Micro and macro evolution. Hmm, for me one undividable thing. Micro evolution can be shown and proven by facts. So this one cannot be discussed away. What's unfortunately impossible to show is the macro evolution at work. This would need several thousands years. And we obviously are not able to observe such a timespan by ourselves. Facts that proves macro evolution are fossils therefore. Which are simply ignored by creationists because they don't fit to their theory. Or shown at similar species at isolated parts like islands. After a specific point they reach the point of sexual barrer, and cannot longer have childs with each other. And that's what divides species. Also simply ignored.

I don't even say the evolution theory is in all its aspects true as it is now. There are gaps. There are parts that needs closer explanation. But creationism is obviously much wronger than the evolution theory. Lots of facts points into the direction of evolution, not a single one in direction of creationism.
It may even happen that somebody completely disproves the evolution theory in the future. But it is at the moment the theory that makes most sense when we take all facts into account.

The main thing that bothers me in connection with creationism is that disproving parts of the evolution theory should automatically disprove the whole theory and automatically lead to prove the creationism theory as true. When an object is not green then it is not automatically red. When a leaf falls down the tree it doesn't mean the tree doesn't exist anymore.

But that is what creationism stands for. They don't understand (or even really disprove an aspect, hey, they can of course be right with it) a single aspect of the theory, so it is wrong, so whole evolution is wrong, so the creationism is right. Which leads to Bible is right, science wrong in general. There is just god, and the earth just a few thousand years old. Those guys even fake facts. Like quoting Darwin in a way that says exactly the opposite of what Darwin says in the whole statement. This is so obviously a step towards back to medieval, so obviously a last try to get the authority about the view of the world back. You must be blind not to see it.

I don't want to take away your faith. Keep it.

But faith should stay faith, and science should stay science. Disprove and prove a theory by facts. Not by faith smile

Last edited by Tiles; 10/21/08 12:03.

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