Well, if I'm not mistaken the position of the sun relative to the earth is not constant though, sometimes it's closer to the sun, sometimes it's further away.

Yes, but the Earth has a reletively circular orbit, not an elliptical one. Due to the extreme distances then (it takes 8 minutes just for the first light of day to reach Earth) there's less than 1% change during the course of the orbit. Even that 1% has major changes however, that's how we get summer/winter. Imagine if the Earth was closer to the sun we would hav everlasting summer of the most extreme desert kind. The sime goes vice verca.

At least we agree now that it makes sense to assume that the authors of the Bible did not know.

No they did not know. They probably thought the Earth was flat, but here the Bible doesn't teach the Earth is flat. It simply uses a metaphore, the same one a modern author would use in a sentance like "he searched the ends of the Earth for th lost treasure..." It means "the entire Earth."

It has been posted a hundrets times now. Fossils is a proof for example. When did they live? The darwin finch is a proof and not a mood. It is fact, it exists. You can observate them. My poodle example is still a proof at least for me.

Take note that they're called Darwin's finches. Not Darwin's finch and some-bird-that-evolved-from-finches. They are all still finches. No macroevolution took place.
As for the poodle example, that goes to show man's stubbornness. I disprove something you say supports evolution, but you still hold on to it as 'proof'. And you call yourselves scientific?

There is absolutely no proof for the existance of god. No fingerprint, no trousers, nothing. You still have to believe in his existance.

Don't be absurd. Do you really think God would have fingerprints? Trousers? Do you think He's a huamn? Just goes to show how little you understand what you are talking about. But yes, you still have to have faith that He exists. But frankly, you need more faith to believe in the series of coincidences called Evolution.

Thousands of provable facts exists about Evolution theory. And nobody was yet able to disprove it. Nobody. Saying it is not true is not disproving it.

You quote your teacher "evolution is a proven fact" but do you know for yourself what the proofs are and if they're logical? Or did you just hop on the evolution bandwagon. And yes, people have disproven it before. What do you think I'm doing now? Also don't assume I'm trying to disprove it simply by saying it's not true. I'm giving scientific facts.

How do creationists explain the existance of rudiments?

I'm not sure what rudiments are. They're unused organs correct?

When there is no evolution why does a whale have degenerated feet bones then?

Whales do not have degenerated foot bones. See quote below.

Quoting the New York Times:
Today only 1 whale out of 100,000 has a slightly protruding stub of a hind limb.

It's not a foot, it's what looks like a hind limb. And if it had anything to do with Evolution whales would either a)lost the limb due to evolving or b) still have the hind limb, but evolve it away later. That is not the case.
I'm constantly repeating myself in saying 'that is not the case'. It never is.

How does the continental drift fit to creationism?

I don't see how it relate to creationism or evolution in any way.

Now that I've answered everything you've thrown at me (I'll talk about rudiments when I learn more about them) why don't you guys start? Before yakking on about Evolution being true exiplain the below form an evolutionary standpoint.

--From my prev. posts--

1. How do you explain the amino acids I talked about?

2. How do you explain the similarities/differences between species' cytochrome C?
Note: cytochrome C is used as an example because it exists in all species.

3. How can you believe the extreme coincidences evolution teaches, even if billions of years were involved? (Even Earth's age is debatable actually)

--New stuff--

4. Watch the video below:

Do you really think the ability to do this kind of thing just happened?

5. Even if the first living organisms came about by chance (I'm not saying they did), say the fish slowly evolves into the frog. For one thing, with what could the frog mate? It couldn't. How then could the frog species continue to reproduce? And while the frog was trying to figure that out the fishes would multiply like crazy, with no natural predators, no fisherman, sharks etc. There would be billions of fish to one frog. That would also be the case if the frog evolved into a reptile. There would be billions of frogs (goodness knows how many fish there would be now) to one reptile. That would go on and on and the Earth would simply not be able to support all those animals.

6. The fundamental parts of an animal's DNA that define it as that animal never change. The physical/mental diversity we see today in humans and certain animals is due to the fact that certain code that determines eyecolor, haircolor, height weight, bone density and so on can be changed during the reproductive process when the chromosomes split with cell division, not mutation. Mutation can change those fundamental parts of the DNA but that code is very intricately set up. ANY kind of change, even if minor, results in a deformed, short-living organism (even then it is still the same animal). I cannot find one single example where mutation has resulted in anything good. How do you evolutionists explain that?

7. If I asked you if something as reletively simple as a 1980 MS-DOS computer could come about by the materials coming together in the right place, you would call me a madman. Even a single-celled bacteria is many times more complex than even a modern computer, and yet you believe it simply happened?

8. Another common feature in nature is symbiosis. a for of symbiosis is mutualism where two or more animals are mutually helpful. One instance of mutualism is between the Oriental Sweetlips and the Blue-Streak Wrasse. The sweetlips is one of the many fish that have teeth. Teeth however need to be cleaned or they will rot. The Blue-Streak Wrasse is a tiny fish that actually swims into the mouth of the sweetlips and starts eating the gunk off its teeth. Without the blue-sreak wrasse the sweetlips would lose its teeth and thus the ability to feed, and so go die out. The blue-streak wrasse is very tiny so it can't find its own food, but relies on the sweetlips. One can not exist without the other but together they can.
How could the oriental sweetlips evolve teeth and the blue-streak wrasse evolve the instinct to swim into a bigger fish's mouth without fear, BOTH at the same time? It's not possible.
That's the kind of supposed 'coincidences' that will be Evolution's downfall. They are not coincidences at all. They are obvious indications of an intelligent being who came up with a well thought-out plan.

Bet you don't know where Taiwan is lol.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation..." Psm 27:1