Or suppose you die and see God for yourself. Would that change YOUR mind?

Sure i would. But honestly i haven't seen a single evidence for the existance of any god. That's why it's called faith, it's not provable, just faith. And so is creationism. It's based on faith, not facts.

I could also believe in the holy flowerpot, and say the earth is made by composting everything to its right shape. Prove me wrong. Haa, you can't, it's my faith. And no matter what you say, it was the holy flowerpot and composting that made the earth, plants and animals, including humans wink

There is unfortunately no fact that would point in the direction of creationism or in the direction of my holy flowerpot.

There are tons of proveable facts that points into the direction of evolution though. This bacteria thingie here is just one. One of the most obvious things is the animals that made Darwin develop its evolution theory. The Darwin finch. You can even see one of this finch species divide into two subspecies at the moment.

Or just think about domestic animals. Breed is also evolution. A chihuahua or a poodle is pretty different from a wolf. And this evolution even happened in the timeframe creationists thinks the earth exists. Initial description of poodle happened in end of 19th century. When there is no evolution, how could a poodle happen? A wolf with black hair, okay, but ow does a poodle fit to the creationistic theory of no evolution?

Yes there were humans involved. But breed follows the same evolutionary principles: mutation and selection.

Last edited by Tiles; 10/19/08 17:45.

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