Originally Posted By: AlbertoT
Two neadherthal men, Einstone and Simplestone, are watching the moon

Einstone : The moon must be much like our earth
Simplestone : Are you sure ?
Einstone : Well..apparently there are mountains and valleys
Simplestone : Why does it shine ,then ?
Einstone : Well ..It should reflects the light of the sun
Simplestone : Are you sure ? Why does it turn from yellow into red ?
Einstone : Well...I dont know
Simplestone : You see..it is just a theory
The moon is made of cheese
Einstone : Of Cheese ? are you sure ?
Simplestone : Of course, I am
It is what the wizard of our village said

A pretty much perfect analogy. There's more of evolution that can be readily observed than you'd think, pieces of the puzzle, but still,


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