mpdeveloper_B: It's coming along nicely, i might actually be able to keep the end of august "deadline" wink

Samb: Thanks for the info! I didn't know about this. Could you try opening s_dofVBlur.fx and changing the technique from ps_2_0 to ps_2_a or ps_2_b and see if it works ?

Shadow969: No if haven't thought about implementing soft shadows. I once implemented a variance shadow mapping shader (only spotlight/parallel light, no omni) in A6 and am still traumatised from it laugh I will definately get to shadowmapping when i have enough knowledge about optimizing it so it runs at a decent framerate. I'm currently working on an other method of adding dyanmic shadows to the scene however. If this works out it would support 32 lights all casting shadows at a very high framerate. I'm still trying things out, however, and i don't know if it's possible at all.
Also Chris is working on his Reality Render Plugin which should do a great job once finished smile

Thanks for your commets smile

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework