//well, the website exactly says,

A era ends, another begins

We have reached the end of the GameCore Alpha testing period. What does this mean? Well, for starters, it means that we have temporarily closed the Alpha testing site for all logins. This is required so we can rearrange a few things and take the wrapping off the new site & framework.

If you have been involved in the Alpha test, don’t worry - all of your accounts and logins are still valid - we just needed to close the doors for a moment to get a few things polished prior to launch.

Launch you say?

Yes, the next phase of GameCore’s evolution is to open the doors to the general public and let everyone in on the fun. We will be launching the new site, store & gamecore Beta all at the same time. This should be interesting (eek), but if all goes according to plan, later this week, everyone will have access to the next generation in game development - GameCore!

Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the Launch.