all i see is a vertex shader which displaces the vertices along the view space normals by a given constant. i *think* this code will run directly within the engine but it won't give you a glow effect. there is no blurring part, you see. for blurring, you need pixel shaders. object-only blurring can be done by rendering the models with slight offset (see above) in numberous passes.

i see that you don't give up and you want your code to work with the engine... all i don't hear is: "how does a glow shader in 3d gamestudio work?" how have you learned in school? have you begun a discussion with every teacher telling him that you have something in mind which must be correct? at all costs? i don't want to offend you but i hope you see that the way you're going currently is way too costly for both you and the community. and don't expect other members to reply you so patiently (the lions must still be asleep as it seems wink ).

so... do you want to know how a glow shader in game engines works in principle? and how you can achieve this effect in 3dgs?

can you program hlsl, lite-c or c-script?
