Hi everybody,

I've first heard of this technic when Jonny Lee's demonstration of the inverted Wii-Remote was shown on several websites. I was truly blown away by the very natural effect this simple modification can produce. You can actually look at the screen as if you where looking out of a window. Or if you were to pass a screen like this you wouldn't be able to say if it where a screen or if there where dept to it. This combined with a pair of 3D Glasses... how cool would that be!
The guys in this video have actually gone a step further by tracking the players face and massuring the distance between the eyes. It seems to work perfectly and is much more userfriendly.
Head Tracking with ONLY a Webcam (Youtube)

I don't really see how this could be used for moving the player in a game but rather to give the (physicle) player some freedom to move around in front of the screen and get a response by the camera (change of angle). I think it could add to the overall feel of the game.

Well, my webcam is broken at the moment but as soon as I get it working agein and my (very) old 3D Relevator Glasses I will try this out and report back.

So long...
Greetz from Zürich

Last edited by Hitsch; 05/16/08 18:37.