None of that is strange, and most especially the warez part. If you've got good sales, and you're in the warez newsgroups, perhaps you really can say 'bigtime', eh? Did you put your name on it? The warez dudes need to know who they steal from (your 15 min of fame).

It's nice to see a happy customer Ken. Torqued fish?? Sounds nasty. You don't suppose there's a newsgroup for that too eh? Torqued game maybe........nice lakes, pretty water, baked terrain textures, water waves know.

Which NGs have your game? I want to see if I can DL a free copy


It doesnt matter how much you earn.

Yes, it does. Why? Well,....... what's for dinner? Do you drive? Got gas? Own a home or live in an alley? Somewhere in between? It matters.