mdeveloper_b everything has been working since my last screenshot. the issue i believe that chrisb's version had is 2 things
1. his overlayed render probably affected the whole screen. being that the quad overlaying the screen has to have a skin that is a power of two square, there is always some stretching. since the non blurred parts were still prolly visible, that stretching probably made aliasing noticable, couple that with only a couple of tex2d lookups (which in his defense is for speed reasons) it probably made a funny looking blur.

2. the level issue is probably due to an object that gets purged at the end of a level being set as the .bmap, this is the wrong way to do it. it should be set to a global bmap that is never purged, that way it stays inbetween levels.

all this into consideration there is not a problem pulling off bloom with that plugin.