Originally Posted By: Marco_Grubert
Saying that you want to get started with electronics is kind of like saying you want to get started with computers..it's too general.
Are you interested in discrete/analog/audio stuff? Basic digital circuits? Embedded CPUs ?

Some ideas:
- Check your local library for
"Art of Electronics" and "Floyd: Electronic Devices" for some thorough theoretical treatment.
- Get a kid's electronic project kit
- Read http://www.hackaday.com/ and come up with your own ideas

I would consider Basic stamp to be cheating since you are using a very high level language- getting comfortable with 555 and 74xx ICs is probably more challenging and rewarding. If you want to get into microprocessors check out the "AVR Butterfly".

I do understand what you're saying about being too general.
I suppose I'm the most interested in how computer processors work, so I'd say anything to do with digital circuits, boolean logic gates etc would be of the most interest to me.

I'll look into those languages you've mentioned and the AVR Butterfly now.. see what that throws up.